I was going to do the throttle body yesterday, but it got cold and dark earlier than I wanted, so I decided to do it today.
However, first of all, I did some work joining the seat back together again.
I shortened the back a tiny amount, and rivitted some aluminium plates to hold it in place.

And then, I put a lot of GRP on the inside.

And on the outside.

Now I've done this seat, I can send them off to be trimmed.
And now, to the throttle cable. The end nearest the throttle pedal came with a 10mm bolt with a hole in it - but the other end did not come with one, so I had to make one.

I then made a bracket out of aluminium - which was too short, so I made another one.

This needed a sight twist and a bend to point the cable in the right direction.

And to hold it in place, I used the inside part from a chocolate-block electrical connector.
