This is actually three days rolled into one. My Aeon is currently at the Blaze workshop, where I'm putting bits on it after the paint shop, and John's also doing a bit of work.
Here's a couple of pictures of what it looks like without much light reflecting on it:

However, when the light hits it in just the right angle, it turns blue:

John was able to get the engine going - it turned out that the engine wiring loom (which I didn't do) had a mistake in that two of the coil pack trigger wires had been swapped over, resulting in it trying to run on 2 cylinders. However, it was still a bit rich.

We then took it to be mapped.

During this time, we sorted out a few plumbing mistakes, and also had a couple of turbo pipes blow off (a bit of hammering and filing by John - and replacing some of the clips [which I've decided are very bad] - sorted it out). It needed to be mapped without a turbo, so we rigged something up:

Note the spark-plug being used to block the pipe!
After making sure the engine was running okay, a power run was done.

Well - it's more powerful than I thought it would be. I was hoping for about 220bhp; would've been happy with 200. 225.5! (Sorry about the picture - it wasn't easy to take)

And here's the graph:

Very linear response up to about 5250, then it levels off. Torque is pretty good too - it'll be very driveable (and quick).