Last weekend was a complete washout - I was able to spend about 2 hours on the car (while it was spitting with rain) before it came down for the entire weekend. This was quite anoying because I was hoping to finish it off (still some missing bits though).
Because of this, I've bundled the short amount of work I did into today's work (I had to go and see John in Kent in the morning - so the two even themselves out!)
The handbrake gaiter I'm really having problems with - this is the first attempt, starting with the frame and the gaiter (insideout):

Fitting it with a cable-tie required it to be fitted insideout.

And with the frame in place.

Unfortunately, at the lowest position, it's too stretched at the back - so I made another one (using elastic instead of a cable tie, since the cable tie was too big, and could cause SVA failure). And that was stretched in te middle. Since I'm running out of Alicante, I'll use some other material to get this right. I think that I need to have the back of it kinked, rather than straight - which means sewing in four places (rather than just the one). I made the Karma's handbrake gaiter like that - but this needs a bit more preparation.
I wanted to prepare the bodywork for painting - I'd been told of a pin-hole in the front that the painter would like me to remove, but seeing as there's a bit of a mould join line, I decided the best course of action was to simply put a layer of body filler over the join, and see where it took me.

While the body filler was going off, I made some aluminium frames to go into the mid-section, where there is a cut-out (probably for a door opening mechanism)..

While the sikaflex was setting for those, I sanded down the nearside filler.

It was after this that the rain came down, so work had to stop for the weekend.
During the week, I put some body filler over the aluminium frames.

Today, I sanded down the offside - this was the first stage, after I'd found the pin-hole and put some more body filler on it.

At least, I hope I found it!. While that was setting, I started work on putting a gas spring in the front to hold it open.

And after I'd put GRP on the bracket (I moved it over, so the wheel shouldn't touch it).

Kif has decided that the Aeon is a great place to sleep (the first time I realised it, he was sleeping on the seats, after sneaking in under the cover - so the cover is now only over the seats).

I then sanded down the extra body filler over the pinhole. If it isn't perfect, it'll still save the painter some work.

Tomorrow, I'll sand down some of the rear bits which I've put some more body filler on, and also have a go at the filler over the aluminium frames. I also need to add a second gas spring, because it's pushing the front over slightly. They may also need to be moved a bit as well.