Mounting the body
Using a lot of Sikaflex, I stuck the body on the chassis. I then put a plate on the front, and rivetted it to join the two together.
And here's the picture I meant to take last night, showing the edges of the windscreen pillar cleaned up.
Cleaning the nose section
I'd cut the hole for the radiator fairly roughly - while the Sikaflex was setting, I decided to work on the nose.
I discovered some cracks that had developed in the body - one of them was quite extensive. These need to be cut out, and then refilled. This is what they looked like before doing this:
After filling in the cracks:
Fitting the fan
I hadn't got around to fitting the fan, because the front radiator mounts were too short. I made a longer one (will make another one when I get some more aluminium), and then fitted the fan.
And finally...
After putting the nose back on, this is what the hole looks like now it's been cleaned up.