Since I'm waiting on a couple of really minor parts, and there's not a huge amount left, I decided to do something I wouldn't have done - and that is to put some ducting in for the radiators.
This work actually started on Friday evening, but I didn't get much further than the two side panels. So, I made a brace across the two, to give it some strength.

I then hit upon a problem - the fan was in the way:

So, when I mounted the bottom cross-piece, I cut the mid-brace into two, and made them diagonals instead:

While I was there, I rivetted a right angle piece of aluminium to the top of the electrics case.

And then made some mounts for the side piece.

There's a gap above the radiator, which would have to be filled - which I marked.

And then sikaflexed a piece of right angle aluminium to it (but didn't take any pictures).
Since I'd like the ducting to still work when the front is opened, I had to work out how far the front piece needed to be in order not to interfere with the panels - and this length showed me that the bottom bit needed to be extended a bit.

Which I duly did.

And with it in place:

I then made a base-plate which bolts to the front spoiler (this is the 'moving' base-plate)..

However, I'd forgotten the fan again, and it needed to be trimmed (and the fixed base-plate needs another small extension).

The next stage I needed to make a template - this was for the panels that mount to the moving base-plate that go up to the top of the inside of the front section.

And I found that this neatly fitted the other side, so made two panels out of aluminium.

That's most of it done - for completeness, there needs to be a bit of a side to each of the moving bits, and I also need to find a way of making it bolt on (other than the base-plate).