I ordered a load of stuff during the week - these are the most interesting bits

A sheet of aluminium, a length of 16mm diameter tube, a length of 57mm diameter tube (all cut in two), a header tank and an air filter.
Today's work was going to be the plumbing.
First of all, I cut a small section out of the aluminium to replace the duct tape I'd used on the heater.

Then, it was time to start the plubming itself. I decided to start at the front and work backwards - firstly on the off-side, and then on the near-side.

Then, a little bit more was added - just enough to get to the rear bulkhead.

The turbo pipes would have to be in place before continuing with these.
So, time for the radiator - starting with the top hose.

The bottom hose needed to follow a more adventurous route.

And then the pipes going along to the rear bulkhead.

After hitting it with a rubber mallet, there was just enough space to put both pipes behind the cross-brace. They're a little flatter than normal, but should be fine.

The top radiator outlet is the top-most hose, and goes into the nearest hole on the engine.

And the bottom hose goes under the fuel tank inlet.

Before finising this side, the air filter was put into place - and held with masking tape (I haven't got any 70mm hose joiners yet).

I don't know if I'll put any ducting from the intake on the side, but just feed the engine bay with the intake - making the duct will be complicated because of the angle it's in. I'll certainly put something to stop the wheel from spraying the filter.
And now for the turbo - I don't have the right reducer yet, but this one will allow me to get the right lengths.

The other side is a little more straight forward.

With these in place, the rest of the windscreen heater pipes could be fitted. Firstly, the top hose.

And then the bottom hose.

The engine end of the bottom hose isn't fitted at present - it's a very tight squeeze - although the bit that is in the way apparently isn't required for the ECU I'll be using (so it'll be easier to fit).
The outlet of the turbo is pointing downwards - completely in the wrong direction. However, after a bit of pushing, it will take the 57mm aluminium tube (the turbo tube is 54mm).

I'll need to get the outlets drilled and some small outlet pipes welded to it - I've never done aluminium welding before, so I may get it done by someone else. The large hole is a 22mm O/D tube, and the small one is 8mm O/D tube.
With the air filter, and radiator hoses in place, the filler hose was cut to the right length and fitted.

The final thing to work on was the header tank. It also uses 16mm tube, and I've just got enough flexible hose left to join it (although I haven't got the top hose yet).

Unfortunately, the bracket is a little tall - it just misses the engine lid.

I'll cut it down a tad tomorrow, as well as move the filler cap and then stick the Aerocatch bolts in place.
I'll also go down to Portsmouth to get a sheet metal folder so I can make the inner door panels.