The first thing I did was to shorten the stand I'd made for the header tank.

There's now plenty of room. I then painted it.
Next, I cut the four main panels I needed - two for the top of the side pods, and two that need a 90° fold in them for the inside of the door.

I'll get them folded later on - probably mid-week.
I then started work on the steering column. Firstly, the boss.

The boss to the left is the new one I bought that fits a Sierra - the one to the right is the original Mondeo one that I cut up a couple of weeks back. The hole size is too small for the Sierra - although it does look like it fits (albeit with only a couple of turns on the bolt). The new boss is actually in two parts, with the 4 counter-sunk bolts holding the two parts together.
After a lot of measuring and drilling, I got the top of the new boss on the Mondeo boss.

It's very central!
I then put the Sparco steering wheel that arrived last week (it's a Sparco 353 steering wheel in black suede - I wanted Alcantara, but couldn't find anyone who did it in black in a style that looked good).

One of the things that I'd been worried about was flexing in the steering column, so I added some more braces to reduce it.

With the paint on the steering column braces drying, I started work on the catches. I fitted the three other catches to the panels. Then, I drilled the side pods to hold the pins. They need to be moved out a little bit (the instructinons show that the pin centre is 15mm from the outside of the body, but it looks nearer to 10).

And then I fitted the steering column back again, and also stuck some cable tie clips to hold some of the wiring and also the windscreen heater hose.

I've left the cable ties uncut for the moment, as they're a good reminder as to where they are (in case I need to feed more wires near it).
And as a final day's activity, I had a go at welding aluminium.

I need some more practice! As a result, I'll get someone else to do the turbo tube.